I see Minnesota nice
in the middle of Frogtown
on Saturday night
when I hail a Green & White
cab on University Avenue,
and dodge high hookers
riffling ghetto rolls
when the Spaghetti Junction
crush of cars loosens on I-94,
finally lets me slide through
a sunshine traffic jam
—a celebrity walleye
swimming uptown
bound to sizzle
in some skillet
before I die
when the Dorothy Day
contingent eats
after-bar omelets,
pancakes, and hash browns
in starvation dreams
hunkered in booths
at Mickey’s Diner
with the slumming
Summit Avenue elite.
I see Minnesota nice
coursing the skyway’s
hardened arteries
pushing polar winds
while I spiral
my way
to the city’s
[Originally appeared in Advance the Engine Summer - Michael Leggs. Gull Island Press, 2008.]